Monday, September 26, 2011

Tips on How to Use Body Language Effectively When Dating

People date for a number of reasons. Usually, they do it to get to know someone special and to know if this person is the ‘one’ for them. Nonetheless, some things are just so hard to utter especially on the first few dates. But don’t worry, even if you’re still in the ‘get to know’ stage’, body language can help you figure out if your date likes you and it can also help you communicate your feelings toward him/her while dating.
Below, we will give you the body language dating to watch out for so that you will have a clue about your date’s feelings towards you. You can also use them so that you can express your emotions to your date without seeming so blunt.

Eyes: Given that our eyes are the windows to our souls, you should really use this ‘window’ to know if this person is truly besotted with you or just playing with your emotions. For example: If your date is exhibiting intense eye contact at the same time showing you his killer smile, this could really mean that he has a huge crush on you. But if the person is lacking in eye contact with you, he could still have a crush on you yet he has insecurities.

Mouth: You don’t have to hear everything straight from the horse’s mouth to learn if they are sincerely feeling something for you. Sometimes, our mouth could express the most obvious body language dating especially when no words are coming from it.

For example, if the guy you’re dating with covers his mouth with his hand while talking, there is something that really makes him feel nervous, and that something could be you! And if that guy is subconsciously nibbling his lips, he is more like thinking about putting his lips on yours.

Hands: This may be new to you but our hands can express powerful body language messages and they can also give us a glimpse of what is really going on inside another person’s mind. For example, open palm gestures signify that you are open or interested to your date. On the other hand, closed hands signify that the person could be hiding something from or you or he may be closed to your ideas.

Now that you’ve learn the body language to watch out for, make sure that you make the right moves.  Most importantly, make sure that your date feels comfortable, respected and cherished around you.


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