Friday, September 30, 2011

Do women like Fat Men? Big Guys Ask

Big guys always question themselves, ‘Do women like fat men?’ This may sound too unfortunate for bigger guys out there but many they actually feel more unwanted by woman because of how they look and their size. Here’s the thing, the reason why big guys are not so confident when it comes to meeting and having relationship with pretty and hot babes is that our society is bombarded with certain notion which implies that men has to have six packs, toned body and chiseled face to be able to woo women.

However, different people have different preferences. Some women may like their men to have athletic bodies or model type bodies while other girls prefer their guys to be chubby and a little bit plump. Thus, fat men dating should not be discouraged when it comes to having relationships. In the end, you will not be judged based on your physical characteristics but on what’s on your mind and heart and your good character.

For big guys asking themselves the ‘do women like fat men?’ questions, the answer to that question is yes. Nonetheless, you have to show that you are worthy of your dream girl’s affection. You have to prove that you are more than a soul trapped in a big man’s body. You got to show to her that you know how to treat your girl right, take care of her and that you are confident of who you really are from the inside out.

Fat men dating should have high self- esteem. Low self esteem neither attracts attention from the opposite sex nor makes you look good. You can show your confidence through your body language. Every guy should watch their body language posture because this could make or break an impression. Big guys shouldn’t slouch because this will make them look weak and sick.

Also, big guys should wear make sure that they are wearing flattering clothes and cologne when meeting women. This will make you feel more confident and comfortable about your looks.

Moreover, fat men dating should smile often especially when around women because these will give them a friendly and approachable aura. Apply these simple tips and feel more confident about yourself.  Once everybody sees that you are happy and comfortable with yourself, people and women will start seeing you in a different light and see you in a more positive perspective.


Samuel Burke said...

Hi, am Samuel form
Amm, this may be largely out of context, but remember you once commented on my blog... you'd read "Ice Cream is HOT!" and consequently posted a link about "how to catch a cheating husband..."
Well I must firstly apologize for thinking of you as a spammer (but keeping in mind the link you posted... perhaps you can excuse me for that.) Secondly, I must salute you for putting in loads; I literally mean heaps and loads of work into this blog.
By the grace of god, I am pretty much in the middle of a stable relationship (which I understand; like any other relationship can explode into a volatile mix.) So I decided, the day I break up, your blog is gonna be the first place I hit.

Keep up the good work.
Warm regards and heartfelt affections.

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